Storiettes to tickle your brain

They say that story telling dates back to the beginning of time. That stories have been used throughout the millennia to expand people’s grasp and understanding of the world around them.

Over the years I have accumulated an infinity of stories that I have told and retold many many times in my seminars and workshops and in every day conversations with clients and friends.

Here then is a collection of short stories that are simple lessons, metaphors for small positive changes that can produce a big impact, or avert dire consequences.

They are snippets of real life situations that we can tweak easily to produce better results for ourselves. More joy, more self-confidence, less stress, bigger goals and successes.

I take particular pleasure in delivering them to you in the knowledge that they just might tickle some area of your brain that has been longing for your attention for some time.


I will add more stories on a regular basis, so if you get some valuable insights or benefits from them, come back for more.

Change your brain ~ Change your life


If the idea of substantially and permanently improving the way you think, act and feel excites you, please send me a quick message and I will respond within the next 24 business hours.