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A Remarkable Recovery
Something happened a few weeks ago that made me want to pause, take stock and reconsider how I do what I do best. And while I was pausing, the complete opposite situation happened and totally blew me away. Let me explain. How is it, I asked myself, that some people are so determined to bring an end to their suffering that they are willing and eager to consider any new scientific developments that are proving effective, while others would rather hold on to their outdated beliefs and actually choose to die in the care of their traditional healthcare providers rather ...

Insomnia 301 for the Sleep Deprived
Today, I am proposing to offer you a cornucopia of tools and techniques that I have discovered over the years of helping people like you reprogram their brain to be highly effective in dealing with the traumatic experience of being sleep deprived. My goal is to remind you of how amazingly healthy, happy, alive, energized and revivified you can feel by improving the quality of your sleep. It’s a very complex problem that affects people differently. Lucky for us, it has been researched extensively and it has yielded an equally extensive number of readily available, inexpensive and easily implementable resources ...

Psychic Acupuncture
Do you know how to move blood around your body, using just your mind, to help heal an injury, soothe pain, relieve inflammation, calm your brain …? If so, do you remember to do it when you need to? If not, would you like to know how? It’s very easy. Yogis have known how to do this for millennia. Have you ever wondered how they can sit motionless and meditate for hours in subzero temperatures in the Himalayas? By moving their blood around, they can change their metabolism at will. I learnt the basic technique years ago. It’s called Psychic ...

Are we having Fun yet?
I’m always going on about FUN. Have you noticed? It’s not that everything is ‘fun’, it’s not. There’s plenty of misery, pain, hopelessness and sadness out there. I see it every day. But there’s a lot of fun to be had too … if you look. Fun is good for you. Proven fact: Fun is a top to bottom body-brain brightener. My old Yoga teacher used to say: “You don’t catch butterflies with a fishing rod”. What he meant was you need to get the right tool for the job. So …… How do we ´catch´more fun? Good question! I ...

Neurology or Psychology?
Today I’m going to show you the difference between Neurology and Psychology. If you are not among the venerable brain scientists who read these articles, I will bet no one has ever come up to you and said: “Do you know the difference between Neurology and Psychology?” I can see your eyes starting to glaze over already but please stay with me. This very simple bit of information might just turn on a light bulb in your brain to explain why you have spent the last ten years in a fog, or a lifetime feeling like one foot was nailed ...

Kids Today!
Don’t you just love this little terror? I love working with kids. They’re so much fun, so easy to engage. They don’t get in their own way like adults do. They crave praise and acceptance. They smile and laugh so readily. They’re like sponges, curious, eager to learn, creative, responsive, enthusiastic, shamelessly proud of their accomplishments and, most importantly, so playful. I get to work with them because they are equally saddled with an alphabet soup of modern childhood ‘problem’ labels that box them in, confuse them, turn them into unhappy little robots and perpetuate their feeling of helplessness well ...

Had Enough?
Sometimes I look back on the conversations I have had with people who felt they were so totally stuck, they simply couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Some gave up looking for solutions while others learned to live with whatever debilitating condition was sucking the life out of them. Then I tell them about my own personal hell and I can almost see their brain literally lighting up with the possibilities when they look at me today. Hey, I’m just as surprised as they are. After all, how does one actually become a Brain Reprogramming Doctor? ...

Reinventing Yourself
Happy New Year! What better time to look at one’s life over the years and start to think about how to make absolutely the most of this brand new year? We’ve all heard about resolutions of course … all our lives in fact … we’ve made many … kept some … achieved various degrees of success. Do they work? Definitely. There is just one tiny bit of a hitch … there must be a follow-through Plan. A Plan? Indeed! One’s vision must be expressly put out to the universe to stand any chance at turning out a BIG win. So ...

A Goldmin(d)ing Moment
I got a B in Physics. Doesn’t sound very impressive does it? … Until I tell you I was expecting a D, or an E, perish the thought! You see, I was 18 and this Physics exam was the university entrance exam. Mucho important, let me tell you. Lots of pressure. A very big deal. Back then, I was in very poor shape mentally and physically. I was 18!! I won’t bore you with a long story but essentially, I was hanging onto reality by my fingertips. Fortunately, I found a way to revise for this Physics exam in a ...

The Serious Business of Laughing
Many years ago, when I was teaching bottom-line-focused teams of executives to make more money and spend less by reprogramming the way their brains were taught to approach every strategy in the book, I came to the realisation that they were all too serious for their own good and what they really needed was to loosen up. I devised a rather clever way to take their minds off the “important stuff” and introduced the “anything goes” crazy wall. A sizeable portion of our conference room walls, well apart from our “important stuff” mapping, was devoted to the posting of impossibly ...